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Found 1 definition: genealogy.

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Pos: Noun

Noun genealogy has 2 senses

1.  genealogy(n = noun.group) family tree - successive generations of kin;
is a kind of clan, kin, kin group, kindred, kinship group, tribe
has particulars: ancestry, blood, blood line, bloodline, descent, line, line of descent, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, stemma, stock
Derived forms adjective genealogical1, noun genealogist1

2.  genealogy(n = noun.cognition) - the study or investigation of ancestry and family history;
is a kind of
bailiwick, discipline, field, field of study, study, subject, subject area, subject field
Derived form adjective genealogic1


genealogy, n. [OE. genealogi, genelogie, OF. genelogie, F. généalogie, L. genealogia, fr. Gr. ; birth, race, descent (akin to L. genus) + discourse.].

1.  An account or history of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor; enumeration of ancestors and their children in the natural order of succession; a pedigree. [1913 Webster]

2.  Regular descent of a person or family from a progenitor; pedigree; lineage. [1913 Webster]


genealogy, n. (pl. -ies)
1 a a line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor. b an account or exposition of this.
2 the study and investigation of lines of descent.
3 a plant's or animal's line of development from earlier forms.

genealogist n. genealogize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise).

ME f. OF genealogie f. LL genealogia f. Gk genealogia f. genea race



N  continuity, consecution, consecutiveness, succession, round, suite, progression, series, train chain, catenation, concatenation, scale, gradation, course, ceaselessness, constant flow, unbroken extent, procession, column, retinue, cortege, cavalcade, rank and file, line of battle, array, pedigree, genealogy, lineage, race, ancestry, descent, family, house, line, line of ancestors, strain, rank, file, line, row, range, tier, string, thread, team, suit, colonnade, continuous, continued, consecutive, progressive, gradual, serial, successive, immediate, unbroken, entire, linear, in a line, in a row, uninterrupted, unintermitting, unremitting, unrelenting (perseverence), perennial, evergreen, constant, continuously, seriatim, in a line, in succession, in turn, running, gradually, step by step, gradatim, at a stretch, in file, in column, in single file, in Indian file.


N  paternity, parentage, consanguinity, parent, father, sire, dad, papa, paterfamilias, abba, genitor, progenitor, procreator, ancestor, grandsire, grandfather, great- grandfather, fathership, fatherhood, mabap, house, stem, trunk, tree, stock, stirps, pedigree, lineage, line, family, tribe, sept, race, clan, genealogy, descent, extraction, birth, ancestry, forefathers, forbears, patriarchs, motherhood, maternity, mother, dam, mamma, materfamilias, grandmother, paternal, parental, maternal, family, ancestral, linear, patriarchal, avi numerantur avorum, happy he with such a mother, hombre bueno no le busquen abolengo, philosophia stemma non inspicit.