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Found 1 definition: generative.

generative top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective generative has 2 senses

1.  generative(a = adj.all) productive - having the ability to produce or originate; "generative power"; "generative forces"
Antonym: consumptive
Derived forms verb generate1, verb generate3

2.  generative(s = adj.all) procreative, reproductive - producing new life or offspring; "the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions"; "the reproductive or generative organs"
Derived form verb generate4


generative, a. [Cf. F. génératif.].

   Having the power of generating, propagating, originating, or producing. Bentley. [1913 Webster]


generative, adj.
1 of or concerning procreation.
2 able to produce, productive.

generative grammar a set of rules whereby permissible sentences may be generated from the elements of a language.

ME f. OF generatif or LL generativus (as GENERATE)



N  productiveness, fecundity, fertility, luxuriance, uberty, pregnancy, pullulation, fructification, multiplication, propagation, procreation, superfetation, milch cow, rabbit, hydra, warren, seed plot, land flowing with milk and honey, second crop, aftermath, aftercrop, aftergrowth, arrish, eddish, rowen, protoplasm, fertilization, productive, prolific, teeming, teemful, fertile, fruitful, frugiferous, fruit-bearing, fecund, luxuriant, pregnant, uberous, procreant, procreative, generative, life-giving, spermatic, multiparous, omnific, propagable, parturient, profitable.


generative grammar