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Found 1 definition: giant sunflower.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun giant sunflower has 1 senses

   giant sunflower(n = noun.plant) helianthus giganteus, indian potato, tall sunflower - very tall American perennial of central and the eastern United States to Canada having edible tuberous roots;
is a kind of helianthus, sunflower


alpine sunflower, common sunflower, desert sunflower, gas giant, giant, giant anteater, giant armadillo, giant bamboo, giant buttercup, giant cane, giant chinkapin, giant clam, giant cockroach, giant conch, giant coreopsis, giant crab, giant eland, giant fern, giant fir, giant foxtail, giant fulmar, giant garlic, giant granadilla, giant helleborine, giant hornet, giant hyssop, giant kangaroo, giant lizard, giant moa, giant northwest shipworm, giant panda, giant petrel, giant pigfish, giant potato creeper, giant puffball, giant red paintbrush, giant reed, giant ryegrass, giant salamander, giant scallop, giant schnauzer, giant scrambling fern, giant sequoia, giant silkworm, giant silkworm moth, giant squid, giant star, giant star grass, giant stock bean, giant taro, giant timber bamboo, giant tortoise, giant water bug, giant willowherb, jerusalem artichoke sunflower, little giant, maximilian's sunflower, mexican sunflower, pacific giant salamander, prairie sunflower, red giant, red giant star, showy sunflower, sunflower, sunflower oil, sunflower seed, sunflower state, swamp sunflower, tall sunflower, tickseed sunflower, woolly sunflower, yellow giant hyssop