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Found 1 definition: give way.

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Verb give way has 4 senses

1.  give way(v = verb.motion) ease up, give, move over, yield - move in order to make room for someone for something; "The park gave way to a supermarket"; "`Move over,' he told the crowd"
is one way to move
Sample sentences: These cars won't give way

2.  give way(v = verb.motion) break, cave in, collapse, fall in, founder, give - break down, literally or metaphorically; "The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The dam broke"; "The roof collapsed"; "The wall gave in"; "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"
is one way to change
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s

3.  give way(v = verb.change) yield - end resistance, as under pressure or force; "The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram"
is one way to change
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP

4.  give way(v = verb.change) break, break down, conk out, die, fail, give out, go, go bad - stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident"
is one way to change
Sample sentences: Something ----s



VB  succumb, submit, yeild, bend, resign, defer to, lay down one's arms, deliver up one's arms, lower colors, haul down colors, strike one's flag, strike colors, surrender, surrender at discretion, cede, capitulate, come to terms, retreat, beat a retreat, draw in one's horns, give way, give round, give in, give up, cave in, suffer judgment by default, bend, bend to one's yoke, bend before the storm, reel back, bend down, knuckle down, knuckle to, knuckle under, knock under, eat dirt, eat the leek, eat humble pie, bite the dust, lick the dust, be at one's feet, fall at one's feet, craven, crouch before, throw oneself at the feet of, swallow the leek, swallow the pill, kiss the rod, turn the other cheek, avaler les couleuvres, gulp down, obey, kneel to, bow to, pay homage to, cringe to, truckle to, bend the neck, bend the knee, kneel, fall on one's knees, bow submission, courtesy, curtsy, kowtow, pocket the affront, make the best of, make a virtue of necessity, grin and abide, grin and bear it, shrug the shoulders, resign oneself, submit with a good grace.


VB  be weak, drop, crumble, give way, totter, tremble, shake, halt, limp, fade, languish, decline, flag, fail, have one leg in the grave, render weak, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, shake, deprive of strength, relax, enervate, eviscerate, unbrace, unnerve, cripple, unman, cramp, reduce, sprain, strain, blunt the edge of, dilute, impoverish, decimate, extenuate, reduce in strength, reduce the strength of, mettre de l'eau dans son vin.


VB  feel pain, suffer pain, experience pain, undergo pain, bear pain, endure pain, smart, ache, suffer, bleed, ail, be the victim of, labor under afflictions, bear the cross, quaff the bitter cup, have a bad time of it, fall on evil days, go hard with, come to grief, fall a sacrifice to, drain the cup of misery to the dregs, sup full of horrors, sit on thorns, be on pins and needles, wince, fret, chafe, worry oneself, be in a taking, fret and fume, take on, take to heart, cark, grieve, mourn, yearn, repine, pine, droop, languish, sink, give way, despair, break one's heart, weigh upon the heart.


VB  be dejected, grieve, mourn, take on, give way, lose heart, despond, droop, sink, lower, look downcast, frown, pout, hang down the head, pull a long face, make a long face, laugh on the wrong side of the mouth, grin a ghastly smile, look blue, look like a drowned man, lay to heart, take to heart, mope, brood over, fret, sulk, pine, pine away, yearn, repine, despair, refrain from laughter, keep one's countenance, be grave, look grave, repress a smile, depress, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, damp, dull, deject, lower, sink, dash, knock down, unman, prostrate, break one's heart, frown upon, cast a gloom, cast a shade on, sadden, damp one's hopes, dash one's hopes, wither one's hopes, weigh on the mind, lie heavy on the mind, prey on the mind, weigh on the spirits, lie heavy on the spirits, prey on the spirits, damp the spirits, depress the spirits.


VB  be brittle, live in a glass house, break, crack, snap, split, shiver, splinter, crumble, break short, burst, fly, give way, fall to pieces, crumble to, crumble into dust.


all the way, any old way, apex of the sun's way, appian way, back way, by the way, by way of, clear the way, every which way, flaminian way, from way back, give, give a damn, give a hand, give a hang, give a hoot, give a lift, give and take, give away, give back, give birth, give birth to, give care, give chase, give ear, give forth, give full measure, give ground, give in, give it a try, give it a whirl, give it the deep six, give notice, give off, give one's best, give or take, give out, give over, give rise, give suck, give thanks, give the axe, give the bounce, give the eye, give the gate, give the glad eye, give the once over, give the sack, give the word, give tongue to, give up, give vent, give voice, give way to, go a long way, great white way, in a bad way, in a big way, in a broad way, in a heartfelt way, in a similar way, in a way, in an elaborate way, in no way, in some way, lead the way, look the other way, make way, milky way, milky way galaxy, milky way system, no way, on the way, pave the way, point the way, right of way, roundabout way, rub the wrong way, smooth the way, stand in the way, the other way around, the right way, the way of the world, the whole way, under way, water way, way, way of life, way out, way shaft, way station