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Found 1 definition: global.

global top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective global has 2 senses

1.  global(s = adj.all) planetary, world, world-wide, worldwide - involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope; "global war"; "global monetary policy"; "neither national nor continental but planetary"; "a world crisis"; "of worldwide significance"
Derived form noun globe1

2.  global(s = adj.all) ball-shaped, globose, globular, orbicular, spheric, spherical - having the shape of a sphere or ball; "a spherical object"; "nearly orbicular in shape"; "little globular houses like mud-wasp nests"
Derived form noun globe2


global, adj.

1.  involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope; as, global war; global monetary policy. [WordNet 1.5]

2.  shaped like a globe; spherical. [WordNet 1.5]

3.  broad in scope or content; comprehensive. Opposite of noncomprehensive. [WordNet 1.5]

4.  Accessible and effective throughout an entire computer program, rather than in only one subroutine; -- used of variables; as, global variable. Opposite of local. [PJC]


global, adj.
1 worldwide (global conflict).
2 relating to or embracing a group of items etc.; total.

global warming the increase in temperature of the earth's atmosphere caused by the greenhouse effect.

globally adv.

F (as GLOBE)


global aphasia, global climate change, global organization, global positioning system, global warming, transient global amnesia