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Found 1 definition: gunnel.

gunnel top

Pos: Noun

Noun gunnel has 2 senses

1.  gunnel(n = noun.artifact) gun rest, gunwale - wale at the top of the side of boat; topmost planking of a wooden vessel;
is a kind of strake, wale

2.  gunnel(n = noun.animal) bracketed blenny - small eellike fishes common in shallow waters of the northern Atlantic;
is a kind of blennioid, blennioid fish
is a member of family pholidae, family pholididae, pholidae
has particulars: butterfish, pholis gunnellus, rock gunnel


gunnel, n. [See Gunwale.].

1.  A gunwale. [1913 Webster]

2.  A small, eel-shaped, marine fish of the genus Murænoides; esp., M. gunnellus of Europe and America; -- called also gunnel fish, butterfish, rock eel. [1913 Webster]


gunnel, n. any small eel-shaped marine fish of the family Pholidae, esp. Pholis gunnellus. Also called BUTTERFISH.

gunnel, gunner n.
1 an artillery soldier (esp. as an official term for a private).
2 Naut. a warrant-officer in charge of a battery, magazine, etc.
3 a member of an aircraft crew who operates a gun.
4 a person who hunts game with a gun.


rock gunnel