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Found 1 definition: gymnosperm.

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Pos: Noun

Noun gymnosperm has 1 senses

   gymnosperm(n = noun.plant) - plants of the class Gymnospermae having seeds not enclosed in an ovary;
is a kind of
phanerogam, seed plant, spermatophyte
is a member of class gymnospermae, division gymnospermophyta, gymnospermae, gymnospermophyta
has particulars: progymnosperm, welwitschia, welwitschia mirabilis, cycad, pteridosperm, seed fern
Derived form adjective gymnospermous1


gymnosperm, n.

   A plant that bears naked seeds (i. e., seeds not inclosed in an ovary), as the common pine and hemlock. Cf. Angiosperm. [1913 Webster]


gymnosperm, n. any of various plants having seeds unprotected by an ovary, including conifers, cycads, and ginkgos (opp. ANGIOSPERM).

gymnospermous adj.


gymnosperm family, gymnosperm genus