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Found 1 definition: hacker.

hacker top

Pos: Noun

Noun hacker has 4 senses

1.  hacker(n = noun.person) - someone who plays golf poorly;
is a kind of
golf player, golfer, linksman

2.  hacker(n = noun.person) cyber-terrorist, cyberpunk - a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism;
is a kind of coder, computer programmer, programmer, software engineer, terrorist

3.  hacker(n = noun.person) - a programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers but does no harm; "true hackers subscribe to a code of ethics and look down upon crackers"
is a kind of
coder, computer programmer, programmer, software engineer
Derived form verb hack6

4.  hacker(n = noun.person) drudge, hack - one who works hard at boring tasks;
is a kind of unskilled person
has particulars: plodder, slogger


hacker, n.

   One who, or that which, hacks. [1913 Webster]


hacker, n.
1 a person or thing that hacks or cuts roughly.
2 colloq. a person who uses computers for a hobby, esp. to gain unauthorized access to data.