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Found 1 definition: heavily.

heavily top

Pos: Adverb

Adverbial heavily has 7 senses

1.  heavily(r = adv.all) to a great extent - to a considerable degree; "he relied heavily on others' data"

2.  heavily(r = adv.all) - in a heavy-footed manner; "he walked heavily up the three flights to his room"

3.  heavily(r = adv.all) - with great force; "she hit her arm heavily against the wall"

4.  heavily(r = adv.all) - in a manner designed for heavy duty; "a heavily constructed car"; "heavily armed"

5.  heavily(r = adv.all) heavy - slowly as if burdened by much weight; "time hung heavy on their hands"

6.  heavily(r = adv.all) - in a labored manner; "he breathed heavily"

7.  heavily(r = adv.all) hard, intemperately - indulging excessively; "he drank heavily"
Antonym: lightly


heavily, adv. [From 2d Heavy.].

1.  In a heavy manner; with great weight; as, to bear heavily on a thing; to be heavily loaded. [1913 Webster]
"Heavily interested in those schemes of emigration." [1913 Webster]

2.  As if burdened with a great weight; slowly and laboriously; with difficulty; hence, in a slow, difficult, or suffering manner; sorrowfully. [1913 Webster]
"And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily." [1913 Webster]
"Why looks your grace so heavily to-day?" [1913 Webster]

3.  Greatly; intensely; as, heavily involved in a plot; heavily invested in real estate. [PJC]

4.  In large quantity; as, it rained heavily. [PJC]



VB  be inactive, do nothing, move slowly, let the grass grow under one's feet, take one's time, dawdle, drawl, droil, lag, hang back, slouch, loll, lollop, lounge, poke, loaf, loiter, go to sleep over, sleep at one's post, ne battre que d'une aile, take it easy, take things as they come, lead an easy life, vegetate, swim with the stream, eat the bread of idleness, loll in the lap of luxury, loll in the lap of indolence, waste time, consume time, kill time, lose time, burn daylight, waste the precious hours, idle away time, trifle away time, fritter away time, fool away time, spend time in, take time in, peddle, piddle, potter, pudder, dabble, faddle fribble, fiddle-faddle, dally, dilly-dally, sleep, slumber, be asleep, hibernate, oversleep, sleep like a top, sleep like a log, sleep like a dormouse, sleep soundly, heavily, doze, drowze, snooze, nap, take a nap, dream, snore one's best, settle to sleep, go to sleep, go off to sleep, doze off, drop off, fall asleep, drop asleep, close the eyes, seal up the eyes, seal up eyelids, weigh down the eyelids, get sleep, nod, yawn, go to bed, turn, get some z's, stack z's, languish, expend itself, flag, hang fire, relax, render idle, sluggardize, mitigate.


heavily traveled