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Found 1 definition: herediatry spinal ataxia.

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Noun herediatry spinal ataxia has 1 senses

   herediatry spinal ataxia(n = noun.state) friedreich's ataxia - sclerosis of the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord; characterized by muscular weakness and abnormal gait; occurs in children;
is a kind of ataxia, ataxy, dyssynergia, motor ataxia


ataxia, friedreich's ataxia, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, locomotor ataxia, motor ataxia, spinal, spinal accessory, spinal anaesthesia, spinal anaesthetic, spinal anesthesia, spinal anesthetic, spinal canal, spinal column, spinal cord, spinal curvature, spinal fluid, spinal fusion, spinal nerve, spinal puncture, spinal tap, spinal vein