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Found 1 definition: herring hog.

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Noun herring hog has 1 senses

   herring hog(n = noun.animal) harbor porpoise, phocoena phocoena - the common porpoise of the northern Atlantic and Pacific;
is a kind of porpoise


atlantic herring, ground hog, herring, herring gull, herring salad, high on the hog, hog, hog badger, hog cholera, hog cranberry, hog millet, hog molly, hog peanut, hog plum, hog plum bush, hog snapper, hog sucker, hog tie, hog wallow, hog wild, king of the herring, kippered herring, lake herring, musk hog, pacific herring, pickled herring, razorback hog, razorbacked hog, red herring, road hog, sea hog, smoked herring, wart hog, water hog