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Found 1 definition: hesperides.

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Pos: Noun Plural

Noun hesperides has 1 senses

   hesperides(n = noun.person) atlantides - (Greek mythology) group of 3 to 7 nymphs who guarded the golden apples that Gaea gave as a wedding gift to Hera;
is a kind of nymph


hesperides, n. pl. [L., fr. Gr. .].

1.  The daughters of Hesperus, or Night (brother of Atlas), and fabled possessors of a garden producing golden apples, in Africa, at the western extremity of the known world. To slay the guarding dragon and get some of these apples was one of the labors of Hercules. Called also Atlantides. [1913 Webster]

2.  The garden producing the golden apples. [1913 Webster]
"It not love a Hercules,
Still climbing trees in the Hesperides?
" [1913 Webster]