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Found 1 definition: honey bun.

honey bun top


Noun honey bun has 1 senses

   honey bun(n = noun.food) caramel bun, schnecken, sticky bun - rolled dough spread with sugar and nuts then sliced and baked in muffin tins with honey or sugar and butter in the bottom;
is a kind of coffee roll, sweet roll


africanized honey bee, bun, caramel bun, cinnamon bun, cross bun, frankfurter bun, golden honey plant, hamburger bun, have a bun in the oven, honey, honey badger, honey bear, honey bell, honey berry, honey buzzard, honey cake, honey creeper, honey crisp, honey eater, honey flower, honey fungus, honey gland, honey guide, honey locust, honey mesquite, honey mushroom, honey oil, honey plant, hot cross bun, hotdog bun, sticky bun, western honey mesquite