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Found 1 definition: impunity.

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Pos: Noun

Noun impunity has 1 senses

   impunity(n = noun.state) - exemption from punishment or loss;
is a kind of
exemption, freedom


impunity, n. [L. impunitas, fr. impunis without punishment; pref. im- not + poena punishment: cf. F. impunité. See Pain.].

   Exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss. [1913 Webster]
"Heaven, though slow to wrath,
Is never with impunity defied.
" [1913 Webster]
"The impunity and also the recompense." [1913 Webster]


impunity, n. exemption from punishment or from the injurious consequences of an action.

with impunity without having to suffer the normal injurious consequences (of an action).

L impunitas f. impunis (as IN-(1), poena penalty)



N  escape, scape, avolation, elopement, flight, evasion, retreat, narrow escape, hairbreadth escape, close call, come off, impunity, loophole, path, refuse, vent, vent peg, safety valve, drawbridge, fire escape, reprieve, liberation, refugee, escaping, escaped, stolen away, fled, the bird has flown the coop.


N  acquittal, acquitment, clearance, exculpation, acquittance, clearance, exoneration, discharge, quietus, absolution, compurgation, reprieve, respite, pardon, impunity, diplomatic immunity, immunity, plea bargain, deal with the prosecutor, no cause for action, no damages, acquitted, uncondemned, unpunished, unchastised, not guilty, not proven, not liable, nemo bis punitur pro codem delicto.