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Found 1 definition: in due course.

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Adverbial in due course has 1 senses

   in due course(r = adv.all) in due season, in due time, in good time, when the time comes - at the appropriate time; "we'll get to this question in due course"



N  timeliness, occasion, opportunity, opening, room, event (eventuality), suitable season, proper season, suitable time, proper time, high time, opportuneness, tempestivity, crisis, turn, juncture, conjuncture, crisis, turning point, given time, nick of time, golden opportunity, well timed opportunity, fine opportunity, favorable opportunity, opening, clear stage, fair field, mollia tempora, fata Morgana, spare time, opportune, timely, well-timed, timeful, seasonable, providential, lucky, fortunate, happy, favorable, propitious, auspicious, critical, suitable, obiter dicta, opportunely, in proper course, in due course, in proper season, in due season, in proper time, in due time, for the nonce, in the nick of time, in the fullness of time, all in good time, just in time, at the eleventh hour, now or never, by the way, by the by, en passant, a propos, pro re nata, pro hac vice, par parenthese, parenthetically, by way of parenthesis, incidentally, while speaking of, while on the subject, extempore, on the spur of the moment, on the spur of the occasion, on the spot, carpe diem occasionem cognosce, one's hour is come, the time is up, that reminds me, now that you mention it, come to think of it, bien perdu bien connu, e sempre l'ora, ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius, nosce tempus, nunc aut nunquam.


be due, blocking course, change course, change of course, collision course, correspondence course, course, course catalog, course catalogue, course credit, course of action, course of instruction, course of lectures, course of study, course session, crash course, damp course, damp-proof course, due, due care, due date, due east, due north, due process, due process of law, due south, due to, due west, elective course, extension course, golf course, in due season, in due time, links course, main course, matter of course, mizzen course, not due, of course, orientation course, past due, refresher course, required course, right to due process, water course