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Found 1 definition: inborn reflex.

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Noun inborn reflex has 1 senses

   inborn reflex(n = noun.act) innate reflex, instinctive reflex, physiological reaction, reflex, reflex action, reflex response, unconditioned reflex - an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus;
is a kind of reaction, response
has particulars: accommodation reflex, babinski, babinski reflex, babinski sign, belch, belching, burp, burping, eructation, blink, blinking, eye blink, nictation, nictitation, wink, winking, blush, flush, disgorgement, emesis, puking, regurgitation, vomit, vomiting, defecation reflex, rectal reflex, oscitance, oscitancy, yawn, yawning, electric shock, electrical shock, shock, breaking wind, fart, farting, flatus, wind, gulp, gulping, knee-jerk reflex, knee jerk, patellar reflex, light reflex, miosis, myosis, pupillary reflex, mydriasis, micturition reflex, gag reflex, pharyngeal reflex, goose bump, goose pimple, goose skin, goosebump, gooseflesh, horripilation, pilomotor reflex, plantar reflex, rooting reflex, jump, start, startle, myotactic reflex, stretch reflex, suckling reflex, shake, shiver, tremble, sneeze, sneezing, sternutation, hiccough, hiccup, singultus


accommodation reflex, acquired reflex, babinski reflex, conditional reflex, conditioned reflex, defecation reflex, gag reflex, inborn, inborn error of metabolism, innate reflex, instinctive reflex, knee-jerk reflex, light reflex, micturition reflex, moro reflex, myotactic reflex, patellar reflex, pharyngeal reflex, pilomotor reflex, plantar reflex, pupillary reflex, rectal reflex, reflex, reflex action, reflex angle, reflex arc, reflex camera, reflex epilepsy, rooting reflex, startle reflex, stretch reflex, suckling reflex, unconditioned reflex