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Found 1 definition: indispose.

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Pos: Verb (transitive)

Verb indispose has 3 senses

1.  indispose(v = verb.cognition) disincline - make unwilling;
is one way to determine, influence, mold, regulate, shape
Antonym: dispose
Derived form noun indisposition2
Sample sentences: Something ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE

2.  indispose(v = verb.change) disqualify, unfit - make unfit or unsuitable; "Your income disqualifies you"
is one way to alter, change, modify
Sample sentences: Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something

3.  indispose(v = verb.body) - cause to feel unwell; "She was indisposed"
is one way to
alter, change, modify
Derived form noun indisposition1
Sample sentences: Something ----s somebody


indispose, v. t. [OE. indispos indisposed, feeble, or F. indisposé indisposed. See In- not, and Dispose.].

1.  To render unfit or unsuited; to disqualify. [1913 Webster]

2.  To disorder slightly as regards health; to make somewhat. Shak. [1913 Webster]
"It made him rather indisposed than sick." [1913 Webster]

3.  To disincline; to render averse or unfavorable; as, a love of pleasure indisposes the mind to severe study; the pride and selfishness of men indispose them to religious duties. [1913 Webster]
"The king was sufficiently indisposed towards the persons, or the principles, of Calvin's disciples." [1913 Webster]


indispose, v.tr.
1 (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) make unfit or unable.
2 (often foll. by towards, from, or to + infin.) make averse.



VB  dissuade, dehort, cry out against, remonstrate, expostulate, warn, contraindicate, disincline, indispose, shake, stagger, dispirit, discourage, dishearten, deter, repress, hold back, keep back, render averse, repel, turn aside, wean from, act as a drag, throw cold water on, damp, cool, chill, blunt, calm, quiet, quench, deprecate, disenchant, disillusion, deflate, take down a peg, pop one's balloon, prick one's balloon, burst one's bubble, disabuse (correction).