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Found 1 definition: industrial.

industrial top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective industrial has 4 senses

1.  industrial(a = adj.pert) - of or relating to or resulting from industry; "industrial output"

2.  industrial(a = adj.all) - having highly developed industries; "the industrial revolution"; "an industrial nation"

3.  industrial(s = adj.all) - employed in industry; "the industrial classes"; "industrial work"

4.  industrial(s = adj.all) - suitable to stand up to hard wear; "industrial carpeting"


industrial, a. [Cf. F. industriel, LL. industrialis. See Industry.].

   Consisting in industry; pertaining to industry, or the arts and products of industry; concerning those employed in labor, especially in manual labor, and their wages, duties, and rights. [1913 Webster]
"The great ideas of industrial development and economic social amelioration." [1913 Webster]

Industrial exhibition, a public exhibition of the various industrial products of a country, or of various countries. -- Industrial school, a school for teaching one or more branches of industry; also, a school for educating neglected children, and training them to habits of industry.


industrial, adj. & n.
1 of or relating to industry or industries.
2 designed or suitable for industrial use (industrial alcohol).
3 characterized by highly developed industries (the industrial nations).
--n. (in pl.) shares in industrial companies.

industrial action Brit. any action, esp. a strike or work to rule, taken by employees as a protest. industrial archaeology the study of machines, factories, bridges, etc., formerly used in industry. industrial estate Brit. an area of land developed for the siting of industrial enterprises. industrial relations the relations between management and workers in industries. the Industrial Revolution the rapid development of a nation's industry (esp. in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th c.).

industrially adv.

INDUSTRY + -AL: in 19th c. partly f. F industriel


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