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Found 1 definition: inequality.

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Pos: Noun

Noun inequality has 1 senses

   inequality(n = noun.attribute) - lack of equality; "the growing inequality between rich and poor"
is a kind of
has particulars: nonequivalence, disparity, unevenness
Antonym: equality


inequality, n. [L. inaequalitas.].

1.  The quality of being unequal; difference, or lack of equality, in any respect; lack of uniformity; disproportion; unevenness; disparity; diversity; as, an inequality in size, stature, numbers, power, distances, motions, rank, property, etc. [1913 Webster]
"There is so great an inequality in the length of our legs and arms as makes it impossible for us to walk on all four." [1913 Webster]
"Notwithstanding which inequality of number, it was resolved in a council of war to fight the Dutch fleet." [1913 Webster]
"Sympathy is rarely strong where there is a great inequality of condition." [1913 Webster]

2.  Unevenness; lack of levelness; the alternate rising and falling of a surface; as, the inequalities of the surface of the earth, or of a marble slab, etc. [1913 Webster]
"The country is cut into so many hills and inequalities as renders it defensible." [1913 Webster]

3.  Variableness; changeableness; inconstancy; lack of smoothness or equability; deviation; unsteadiness, as of the weather, feelings, etc. [1913 Webster]
"Inequality of air is ever an enemy to health." [1913 Webster]

4.  Disproportion to any office or purpose; inadequacy; competency; as, the inequality of terrestrial things to the wants of a rational soul. South. [1913 Webster]

5.  An expression consisting of two unequal quantities, with the sign of inequality (as, the inequality 2 . [1913 Webster]

6.  An irregularity, or a deviation, in the motion of a planet or satellite from its uniform mean motion; the amount of such deviation. [1913 Webster]


inequality, n. (pl. -ies)
1 a lack of equality in any respect. b an instance of this.
2 the state of being variable.
3 (of a surface) irregularity.
4 Math. a formula affirming that two expressions are not equal.

ME f. OF inequalit{eacute} or L inaequalitas (as IN-(1), EQUALITY)



N  disagreement, discord, discordance, dissonance, dissidence, discrepancy, unconformity, incongruity, incongruence, discongruity, mesalliance, jarring, dissension, conflict, bickering, clashing, misunderstanding, wrangle, disparity, mismatch, disproportion, dissimilitude, inequality, disproportionateness, variance, divergence, repugnance, unfitness, inaptitude, impropriety, inapplicability, inconsistency, inconcinnity, irrelevancy, misjoining, misjoinder, syncretism, intrusion, interference, concordia discors, fish out of water, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, at variance, at war, hostile, antagonistic, repugnant, incompatible, irreconcilable, inconsistent with, unconformable, exceptional, intrusive, incongruous, disproportionate, disproportionated, inharmonious, unharmonious, inconsonant, unconsonant, divergent, repugnant to, inapt, unapt, inappropriate, improper, unsuited, unsuitable, inapplicable, not to the point, unfit, unfitting, unbefitting, unbecoming, illtimed, unseasonable, mal a propos, inadmissible, inapposite, uncongenial, ill-assorted, ill-sorted, mismatched, misjoined, misplaced, misclassified, unaccommodating, irreducible, incommensurable, uncommensurable, unsympathetic, out of character, out of keeping, out of proportion, out of joint, out of tune, out of place, out of season, out of its element, at odds with, at variance with, in defiance, in contempt, in spite of, discordantly, a tort et a travers, asinus ad lyram.


N  inequality, disparity, imparity, odds, difference, unevenness, inclination of the balance, partiality, bias, weight, shortcoming, casting weight, make-weight, superiority, inferiority, inequation, unequal, uneven, disparate, partial, unbalanced, overbalanced, top-heavy, lopsided, biased, skewed, disquiparant, haud passibus aequis.