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Found 1 definition: jeopardy.

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Pos: Noun

Noun jeopardy has 1 senses

   jeopardy(n = noun.state) endangerment, hazard, peril, risk - a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune; "drinking alcohol is a health hazard"
is a kind of danger
has particulars: health hazard, moral hazard, occupational hazard, sword of damocles
Derived forms verb jeopardise1, verb jeopardize2, verb jeopardize1


jeopardy, n. [OE. jupartie, juperti, jeuparti, OF. jeu parti an even game, a game in which the chances are even; OF. jeu, ju, F. jeu (L. jocus jest) + F. partier to divide, L. partire to divide. See Joke, and Part.].

   Exposure to death, loss, or injury; hazard; danger. [1913 Webster]
"There came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy." [1913 Webster]
"Look to thyself, thou art in jeopardy."

Syn. -- Danger; peril; hazard; risk. See Danger.

jeopardy, v. t.

   To jeopardize. Thackeray. [1913 Webster]


jeopardy, n.
1 danger, esp. of severe harm or loss.
2 Law danger resulting from being on trial for a criminal offence.

ME iuparti f. OF ieu parti divided (i.e. even) game, f. L jocus game + partitus past part. of partire divide f. pars partis part



N  danger, peril, insecurity, jeopardy, risk, hazard, venture, precariousness, slipperiness, instability, defenselessness, exposure, vulnerability, vulnerable point, heel of Achilles, forlorn hope, leap in the dark, road to ruin, faciles descensus Averni, hairbreadth escape, cause for alarm, source of danger, rock ahead, breakers ahead, storm brewing, clouds in the horizon, clouds gathering, warning, alarm, apprehension, in danger, endangered, fraught with danger, dangerous, hazardous, perilous, parlous, periculous, unsafe, unprotected &c (safe, protect), insecure, untrustworthy, built upon, sand, on a sandy basis, wildcat, defenseless, fenceless, guardless, harborless, unshielded, vulnerable, expugnable, exposed, open to, aux abois, at bay, on the wrong side of the wall, on a lee shore, on the rocks, at stake, in question, precarious, critical, ticklish, slippery, slippy, hanging by a thread, with a halter round one's neck, between the hammer and the anvil, between Scylla and Charybdis, between a rock and a hard place, between the devil and the deep blue sea, between two fires, on the edge of a precipice, on the brink of a precipice, on the verge of a precipice, on the edge of a volcano, in the lion's den, on slippery ground, under fire, not out of the wood, unwarned, unadmonished, unadvised, unprepared, off one's guard, tottering, unstable, unsteady, shaky, top-heavy, tumbledown, ramshackle, crumbling, waterlogged, helpless, guideless, in a bad way, reduced to the last extremity, at the last extremity, trembling in the balance, nodding to its fall, threatening, ominous, illomened, alarming, explosive, adventurous, incidit in Scyllam qui vult vitare Charybdim, nam tua res agitur paries dum proximus ardet.


double jeopardy, freedom from double jeopardy