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Found 1 definition: jim crow.

jim crow top

Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun jim crow has 2 senses

1.  jim crow(n = noun.cognition) color bar, color line, colour bar, colour line - barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites;
is a kind of ideological barrier

2.  jim crow(n = noun.artifact) - a crowbar fitted with a claw for pulling nails;
is a kind of
crowbar, pry, pry bar, wrecking bar


jim crow, n.

1.  A negro; -- said to be so called from a popular negro dance song, the refrain of which is “Wheel about and turn about and jump Jim Crow,” produced in 1835 by Thomas D. Rice (1808-1860), a famous negro minstrel; -- considered disparaging and offensive. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2.  A legally sanctioned system of racial discrimination practised in the southern United States until declared unconstitutional in 1953 and further restricted by federal legislation, by means of which negroes were segregated and discriminated against in employment and in many places of public accommodation, such as parks, commercial establishments, and public transportation. [PJC]


jim crow, n. US 1 the practice of segregating Blacks.
2 offens. a Black.
3 an implement for straightening iron bars or bending rails by screw pressure.

Jim Crowism n. (in sense 1).



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