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Found 1 definition: lemur.

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Pos: Noun

Noun lemur has 1 senses

   lemur(n = noun.animal) - large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails;
is a kind of
is a member of lemuroidea, suborder lemuroidea
has particulars: lemur catta, madagascar cat, ring-tailed lemur, aye-aye, daubentonia madagascariensis, loris gracilis, slender loris, nycticebus pygmaeus, nycticebus tardigradua, slow loris, kinkajou, perodicticus potto, potto, angwantibo, arctocebus calabarensis, golden potto, bush baby, bushbaby, galago, indri, indri brevicaudatus, indri indri, indris, avahi laniger, woolly indris


lemur, n. [L., a ghost, specter. So called on account of its habit of going abroad by night.].

   One of a family (Lemuridæ) of nocturnal mammals allied to the monkeys, but of small size, and having a sharp and foxlike muzzle, and large eyes. They feed upon birds, insects, and fruit, and are mostly natives of Madagascar and the neighboring islands, one genus (Galago) occurring in Africa. The slow lemur or kukang of the East Indies is Nycticebus tardigradus. See Galago, Indris, and Colugo. [1913 Webster]


lemur, n. any arboreal primate of the family Lemuridae native to Madagascar, with a pointed snout and long tail.

mod.L f. L lemures (pl.) spirits of the dead, from its spectre-like face


flying lemur, genus lemur, lemur catta, ring-tailed lemur