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Found 1 definition: litmus test.

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Noun litmus test has 2 senses

1.  litmus test(n = noun.substance) litmus - a coloring material (obtained from lichens) that turns red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline solutions; used as a very rough acid-base indicator;
is a kind of acid-base indicator

2.  litmus test(n = noun.communication) - a test that relies on a single indicator; "her litmus test for good breeding is whether you split infinitives"
is a kind of
exam, examination, test


litmus test,

1.  A test to determine acidity or alkalinity, using litmus as an inddicator. [PJC]

2.  A test for a single factor, which has only two outcomes, positive or negative; [PJC]



N  experiment, essay, analysis, screen, trial, tentative method, t=atonnement, verification, probation, experimentum crucis, proof, (demonstration), criterion, diagnostic, test, probe, crucial test, acid test, litmus test, crucible, reagent, check, touchstone, pix, assay, ordeal, ring, litmus paper, curcuma paper, turmeric paper, test tube, analytical instruments, empiricism, rule of thumb, feeler, trial balloon, pilot balloon, messenger balloon, pilot engine, scout, straw to show the wind, speculation, random shot, leap in the dark, analyzer, analyst, assayist, adventurer, experimenter, experimentist, experimentalist, scientist, engineer, technician, subject, experimentee, guinea pig, experimental animal, protocol, experimental method, blind experiment, double-blind experiment, controlled experiment, poll, survey, opinion poll, epidemiological survey, retrospective analysis, retrospective survey, prospective survey, prospective analysis, statistical analysis, literature search, library research, tryout, audition, discovery, measurement, evidence, deduction, induction, abduction, experimental, empirical, probative, probatory, probationary, provisional, analytic, docimastic, tentative, unverified, unproven, speculative, untested, on trial, under examination, on probation, under probation, on one's trial, on approval, check it out, give it a try, see how it goes, Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.


acid test, agglutination test, alpha test, alpha-naphthol test, aptitude test, becchi's test, beta test, blood test, clinical test, cloze test, complement fixation test, diagnostic test, dick test, faecal occult test, fecal occult test, field test, friedman test, glucose tolerance test, heterophil test, high test, inkblot test, intelligence test, intradermal test, iq test, kendall test, litmus, litmus paper, low test, mantoux test, means test, mental test, ministry of transportation test, molisch test, molisch's test, mot test, pap test, papanicolaou test, patch test, paternity test, personality test, pku test, preclinical test, pregnancy test, projective test, psa blood test, psychological test, psychometric test, queckenstedt's test, rabbit test, radioactive iodine excretion test, radioactive iodine test, radioactive iodine uptake test, road test, rorschach test, rubin test, schick test, scratch test, screen test, skin test, smear test, snellen test, stanford binet test, stanford-binet test, stool test, stress test, subcutaneous test, test, test ban, test bed, test case, test copy, test drive, test driver, test equipment, test flight, test fly, test instrument vehicle, test match, test paper, test period, test pilot, test range, test rocket, test room, test suit, test tube, thematic apperception test, tine test, treadmill test, tuberculin skin test, tuberculin test, wassermann test, widal test, widal's test