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Found 1 definition: logic.

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Pos: Noun

Noun logic has 5 senses

1.  logic(n = noun.cognition) - the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference;
is a kind of
has particulars: modal logic
Derived forms noun logician1, noun logistician1

2.  logic(n = noun.cognition) - reasoned and reasonable judgment; "it made a certain kind of logic"
is a kind of
common sense, good sense, gumption, horse sense, mother wit, sense

3.  logic(n = noun.cognition) - the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation; "economic logic requires it"; "by the logic of war"
is a kind of

4.  logic(n = noun.cognition) - the system of operations performed by a computer that underlies the machine's representation of logical operations;
is a kind of
system, system of rules

5.  logic(n = noun.cognition) logical system, system of logic - a system of reasoning;
is a kind of system, system of rules
has particulars: aristotelian logic, formal logic, mathematical logic, symbolic logic
Derived forms noun logician1, noun logistician1


logic, n. [OE. logike, F. logique, L. logica, logice, Gr. logikh` (sc. te`chnh), fr. logiko`s belonging to speaking or reason, fr. lo`gos speech, reason, le`gein to say, speak. See Legend.].

1.  The science or art of exact reasoning, or of pure and formal thought, or of the laws according to which the processes of pure thinking should be conducted; the science of the formation and application of general notions; the science of generalization, judgment, classification, reasoning, and systematic arrangement; the science of correct reasoning. [1913 Webster]
" Logic is distinguished as pure and applied. “Pure logic is a science of the form, or of the formal laws, of thinking, and not of the matter. Applied logic teaches the application of the forms of thinking to those objects about which men do think.” Abp. Thomson." Abp. Thomson. [1913 Webster]
"Logic is the science of the laws of thought, as thought; that is, of the necessary conditions to which thought, considered in itself, is subject." [1913 Webster]

2.  A treatise on logic; as, Mill's Logic. [1913 Webster]

3.  correct reasoning; as, I can't see any logic in his argument; also, sound judgment; as, the logic of surrender was uncontestable. [PJC]

4.  The path of reasoning used in any specific argument; as, his logic was irrefutable. [PJC]

5.  A function of an electrical circuit (called a gate) that mimics certain elementary binary logical operations on electrical signals, such as AND, OR, or NOT; as, a logic circuit; the arithmetic and logic unit. [PJC]


logic, n.
1 a the science of reasoning, proof, thinking, or inference. b a particular scheme of or treatise on this.
2 a a chain of reasoning (I don't follow your logic). b the correct or incorrect use of reasoning (your logic is flawed). c ability in reasoning (argues with great learning and logic). d arguments (is not governed by logic).
3 a the inexorable force or compulsion of a thing (the logic of events). b the necessary consequence of (an argument, decision, etc.).
4 a a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a computer or electronic device so as to perform a specified task. b logical operations collectively.

logician n.

ME f. OF logique f. LL logica f. Gk logike (tekhne) (art) of reason: see LOGOS



N  reasoning ratiocination rationalism, dialectics, induction, generalization, discussion, comment, ventilation, inquiry, argumentation, controversy, debate, polemics, wrangling, contention, logomachy, disputation, disceptation, paper war, art of reasoning, logic, process of reasoning, train of reasoning, chain of reasoning, deduction, induction, abduction, synthesis, analysis, argument, case, plaidoyer, opening, lemma, proposition, terms, premises, postulate, data, starting point, principle, inference, prosyllogism, syllogism, enthymeme, sorites, dilemma, perilepsis, a priori reasoning, reductio ad absurdum, horns of a dilemma, argumentum ad hominem, comprehensive argument, empirema, epagoge, reasoner, logician, dialectician, disputant, controversialist, controvertist, wrangler, arguer, debater polemic, casuist, rationalist, scientist, eristic, logical sequence, good case, correct just reasoning, sound reasoning, valid reasoning, cogent reasoning, logical reasoning, forcible reasoning, persuasive reasoning, persuasory reasoning, consectary reasoning, conclusive, subtle reasoning, force of argument, strong point, strong argument, persuasive argument, arguments, reasons, pros and cons, reasoning, rationalistic, argumentative, controversial, dialectic, polemical, discursory, discursive, disputatious, Aristotelian, eristic, eristical, debatable, controvertible, logical, relevant, for, because, hence, whence, seeing that, since, sith, then thence so, for that reason, for this reason, for which reason, for as, inasmuch as, whereas, ex concesso, considering, in consideration of, therefore, wherefore, consequently, ergo, thus, accordingly, a fortiori, in conclusion, in fine, finally, after all, au bout du compt, on the whole, taking one thing with another, ab actu ad posse valet consecutio, per troppo dibatter la verita si perde, troppo disputare la verita fa errare.


alethic logic, aristotelian logic, boolean logic, chop logic, deontic logic, doxastic logic, epistemic logic, formal logic, fuzzy logic, logic bomb, logic chopping, logic diagram, logic element, logic gate, logic operation, logic programing, logic programming, mathematical logic, modal logic, propositional logic, symbolic logic, system of logic