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Found 1 definition: lolly.

lolly top

Pos: Noun

Noun lolly has 2 senses

1.  lolly(n = noun.possession) boodle, bread, cabbage, clams, dinero, dough, gelt, kale, lettuce, loot, lucre, moolah, pelf, scratch, shekels, simoleons, sugar, wampum - informal terms for money;
is a kind of money

2.  lolly(n = noun.food) ice lolly, lollipop, popsicle - ice cream or water ice on a small wooden stick; "in England a popsicle is called an ice lolly"
is a kind of frozen dessert


lolly, n. (pl. -ies)
1 colloq. a a lollipop. b Austral. a sweet. c Brit. = ice lolly.
2 Brit. sl. money.

abbr. of LOLLIPOP



N  cold, coldness, frigidity, inclemency, fresco, winter, depth of winter, hard winter, Siberia, Nova Zembla, wind- chill factor, ice, snow, snowflake, snow crystal, snow drift, sleet, hail, hailstone, rime, frost, hoar frost, white frost, hard frost, sharp frost, barf, glaze, lolly, icicle, thick-ribbed ice, fall of snow, heavy fall, iceberg, icefloe, floe berg, glacier, nev_ee, serac, pruina, freezing mixture, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, liquid helium, chilliness, chill, shivering, goose skin, horripilation, rigor, chattering of teeth, numbness, frostbite, cold, cool, chill, chilly, icy, gelid, frigid, algid, fresh, keen, bleak, raw, inclement, bitter, biting, niveous, cutting, nipping, piercing, pinching, clay-cold, starved, chilled to the bone, shivering, aguish, transi de froid, frostbitten, frost-bound, frost-nipped, cold as a stone, cold as marble, cold as lead, cold as iron, cold as a frog, cold as charity, cold as Christmas, cool as a cucumber, cool as custard, icy, glacial, frosty, freezing, pruinose, wintry, brumal, hibernal, boreal, arctic, Siberian, hyemal, hyperborean, hyperboreal, icebound, frozen out, unwarmed, unthawed, lukewarm, tepid, isocheimal, isocheimenal, isocheimic, frozen, numb, frost-bitten, coldly, bitterly, pierre fendre.


ice lolly