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Found 1 definition: lose heart.

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VB  be dejected, grieve, mourn, take on, give way, lose heart, despond, droop, sink, lower, look downcast, frown, pout, hang down the head, pull a long face, make a long face, laugh on the wrong side of the mouth, grin a ghastly smile, look blue, look like a drowned man, lay to heart, take to heart, mope, brood over, fret, sulk, pine, pine away, yearn, repine, despair, refrain from laughter, keep one's countenance, be grave, look grave, repress a smile, depress, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, damp, dull, deject, lower, sink, dash, knock down, unman, prostrate, break one's heart, frown upon, cast a gloom, cast a shade on, sadden, damp one's hopes, dash one's hopes, wither one's hopes, weigh on the mind, lie heavy on the mind, prey on the mind, weigh on the spirits, lie heavy on the spirits, prey on the spirits, damp the spirits, depress the spirits.


artichoke heart, artificial heart, at heart, athlete's heart, atrium of the heart, biauriculate heart, bleeding heart, break someone's heart, broken heart, bullock heart, bullock's heart, bullock's heart tree, by heart, change of heart, cockles of the heart, congenital heart defect, congestive heart failure, enlarged heart, from the heart, heart, heart and soul, heart attack, heart block, heart cherry, heart condition, heart disease, heart failure, heart line, heart massage, heart monitor, heart murmur, heart muscle, heart of dixie, heart of gold, heart pea, heart rate, heart rhythm, heart specialist, heart surgeon, heart surgery, heart urchin, heart valve, heart ventricle, heart warming, heavy heart, jarvik artificial heart, jarvik heart, left atrium of the heart, line of heart, lose, lose ground, lose it, lose one's temper, lose sight of, lose weight, order of the purple heart, purple heart, rheumatic heart disease, right atrium of the heart, take heart, take to heart, valvular heart disease