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Found 1 definition: magpie.

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Pos: Noun

Noun magpie has 3 senses

1.  magpie(n = noun.animal) - long-tailed black-and-white crow that utters a raucous chattering call;
is a kind of
corvine bird
is a member of genus pica, pica
has particulars: european magpie, pica pica, american magpie, pica pica hudsonia

2.  magpie(n = noun.person) pack rat, scavenger - someone who collects things that have been discarded by others;
is a kind of hoarder

3.  magpie(n = noun.person) babbler, chatterbox, chatterer, prater, spouter - an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker;
is a kind of speaker, talker, utterer, verbaliser, verbalizer


magpie, n. [OE. & Prov. E. magot pie, maggoty pie, fr. Mag, Maggot, equiv. to Margaret, and fr. F. Marquerite, and common name of the magpie. Marguerite is fr. L. margarita pearl, Gr. , prob. of Eastern origin. See Pie magpie, and cf. the analogous names Tomtit, and Jackdaw.].

1.  Any one of numerous species of the genus Pica and related genera, allied to the jays, but having a long graduated tail. [1913 Webster]

2.  Any one of several black-and-white birds, such as Gymnorhina tibicen, not belonging to the genus Pica. [PJC]
" The common European magpie (Pica pica, or Pica caudata) is a black and white noisy and mischievous bird. It can be taught to speak. The American magpie (Pica Hudsonica) is very similar. The yellow-belled magpie (Pica Nuttalli) inhabits California. The blue magpie (Cyanopolius Cooki) inhabits Spain. Other allied species are found in Asia. The Tasmanian and Australian magpies are crow shrikes, as the white magpie (Gymnorhina organicum), the black magpie (Strepera fuliginosa), and the Australian magpie (Cracticus picatus)." [1913 Webster]

3.  A talkative person; a chatterbox. [PJC]

Magpie lark (Zoöl.), a common Australian bird (Grallina picata), conspicuously marked with black and white; -- called also little magpie. -- Magpie moth (Zoöl.), a black and white European geometrid moth (Abraxas grossulariata); the harlequin moth. Its larva feeds on currant and gooseberry bushes.


magpie, n.
1 a European and American crow, Pica pica, with a long pointed tail and black and white plumage.
2 any of various birds with plumage like a magpie, esp. Gymnorhina tibicen of Australia.
3 an idle chatterer.
4 a person who collects things indiscriminately.
5 a the division of a circular target next to the outer one. b a rifle shot which strikes this.

Mag, abbr. of Margaret + PIE(2)



N  loquacity, loquaciousness, talkativeness, garrulity, multiloquence, much speaking, jaw, gabble, jabber, chatter, prate, prattle, cackle, clack, twaddle, twattle, rattle, caquet, caquetterie, blabber, bavardage, bibble-babble, gibble-gabble, small talk, fluency, flippancy, volubility, flowing, tongue, flow of words, flux de bouche, flux de mots, copia verborum, cacoethes loquendi, furor loquendi, verbosity, gift of the gab, talker, chatterer, chatterbox, babbler, rattle, ranter, sermonizer, proser, driveler, blatherskite, gossip, magpie, jay, parrot, poll, Babel, moulin a paroles, loquacious, talkative, garrulous, linguacious, multiloquous, largiloquent, chattering, chatty, declamatory, open-mouthed, fluent, voluble, glib, flippant, long tongued, long winded, trippingly on the tongue, glibly, off the reel, the tongue running fast, the tongue running loose, the tongue running on wheels, all talk and no cider, foul whisperings are abroad, what a spendthrift is he of his tongue!.


american magpie, australian magpie, bell magpie, european magpie