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Found 1 definition: morning glory.

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Noun morning glory has 1 senses

   morning glory(n = noun.plant) - any of various twining vines having funnel-shaped flowers that close late in the day;
is a kind of
is a member of genus ipomoea, ipomoea
has particulars: common morning glory, ipomoea purpurea, common morning glory, ipomoea tricolor, cypress vine, indian pink, ipomoea quamoclit, quamoclit pennata, star-glory, belle de nuit, ipomoea alba, moonflower, ipomoea batatas, sweet potato, sweet potato vine, ipomoea fastigiata, ipomoea panurata, man-of-the-earth, manroot, scammonyroot, wild potato vine, wild sweet potato vine, ipomoea coccinea, red morning-glory, star ipomoea, ipomoea leptophylla, man-of-the-earth, ipomoea orizabensis, scammony, beach morning glory, ipomoea pes-caprae, railroad vine, ipomoea nil, japanese morning glory, imperial japanese morning glory, ipomoea imperialis


beach morning glory, common morning glory, glory, glory fern, glory hole, glory lily, glory pea, good morning, imperial japanese morning glory, japanese morning glory, morning, morning coat, morning dress, morning prayer, morning room, morning sickness, morning star, morning time, old glory