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Found 1 definition: mouth organ.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun mouth organ has 1 senses

   mouth organ(n = noun.artifact) harmonica, harp, mouth harp - a small rectangular free-reed instrument having a row of free reeds set back in air holes and played by blowing into the desired hole;
is a kind of free-reed instrument


american organ, barrel organ, big mouth, bojanus organ, by mouth, by word of mouth, cell organ, contractile organ, down in the mouth, dragon's mouth, dry mouth, electric organ, electronic organ, end organ, erectile organ, excretory organ, external organ, female genital organ, female internal reproductive organ, foam at the mouth, foaming at the mouth, froth at the mouth, frothing at the mouth, genital organ, green adder's mouth, grind organ, gustatory organ, hammond organ, hand organ, hand to mouth, house organ, internal organ, keep one's mouth shut, lateral line organ, male genital organ, male internal reproductive organ, mouth, mouth bow, mouth harp, mouth hole, mouth off, mouth watering, olfactory organ, organ, organ donor, organ loft, organ of corti, organ of hearing, organ of speech, organ pipe, organ stop, organ transplant, pipe organ, plant organ, reed organ, reproductive organ, respiratory organ, roof of the mouth, rosenm'81ller's organ, secretory organ, sense organ, sex organ, shoot one's mouth off, shut one's mouth, speech organ, steam organ, street organ, taret organ, target organ, trench mouth, urinary organ, vital organ, vocal organ, word of mouth