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Found 1 definition: noisy.

noisy top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective noisy has 2 senses

1.  noisy(a = adj.all) - full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds; "a noisy cafeteria"; "a small noisy dog"
Derived forms noun noise4, noun noisiness1

2.  noisy(s = adj.all) - attracting attention by showiness or bright colors; "a noisy sweater"


noisy, a. [From Noise.].

1.  Making a noise, esp. a loud sound; clamorous; vociferous; turbulent; boisterous; as, the noisy crowd. [1913 Webster]

2.  Full of noise. Dryden. [1913 Webster]


noisy, adj. (noisier, noisiest)
1 full of or attended with noise.
2 making or given to making much noise.
3 clamorous, turbulent.
4 (of a colour, garment, etc.) loud, conspicuous.

noisily adv. noisiness n.



N  loudness, power, loud noise, din, blare, clang, clangor, clatter, noise, bombilation, roar, uproar, racket, hubbub, bobbery, fracas, charivari, trumpet blast, flourish of trumpets, fanfare, tintamarre, peal, swell, blast, larum, boom, bang (explosion), resonance, vociferation, hullabaloo, lungs, Stentor, artillery, cannon, thunder, loud, sonorous, high-sounding, big-sounding, deep, full, powerful, noisy, blatant, clangorous, multisonous, thundering, deafening, trumpet-tongued, ear-splitting, ear-rending, ear-deafening, piercing, obstreperous, rackety, uproarious, enough to wake the dead, enough to wake seven sleepers, shrill &c 410 clamorous stentorian, stentorophonic, loudly, aloud, at the top of one's voice, at the top of one's lungs, lustily, in full cry, the air rings with, the deep dread-bolted thunder.