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Found 1 definition: nut house.

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Noun nut house has 1 senses

   nut house(n = noun.artifact) bedlam, booby hatch, crazy house, cuckoo's nest, funny farm, funny house, loony bin, madhouse, nuthouse, sanatorium, snake pit - pejorative terms for an insane asylum;
is a kind of asylum, insane asylum, institution, mental home, mental hospital, mental institution, psychiatric hospital


adobe house, apartment house, apple nut, areca nut, auction house, babassu nut, battle of monmouth court house, beach house, becuiba nut, bee house, ben nut, betel nut, boarding house, bonduc nut, brazil nut, british house of commons, british house of lords, brokerage house, buffalo nut, building supply house, butterfly nut, carriage house, cashew nut, cedar nut, cembra nut, cembra nut tree, charnel house, chile nut, chilean nut, church house, clean house, clearing house, coach house, coal house, cohune nut, cola nut, conference house, coquilla nut, coumara nut, country house, crazy house, death house, detached house, detention house, dika nut, discount house, dog house, doll's house, duplex house, dwelling house, eating house, edible nut, elk nut, european house cricket, european nut pine, field house, fish house punch, frat house, fraternity house, free house, full house, funny house, gambling house, gaming house, ginger nut, glebe house, goora nut, grugru nut, guest house, halfway house, hash house, hex nut, hiccough nut, hiccup nut, hickory nut, house, house agent, house arrest, house cat, house centipede, house decorator, house detective, house dick, house finch, house fly, house guest, house husband, house martin, house mouse, house of burgesses, house of cards, house of commons, house of correction, house of detention, house of god, house of hanover, house of ill repute, house of islam, house of lancaster, house of lords, house of prayer, house of prostitution, house of representatives, house of tudor, house of war, house of windsor, house of worship, house of york, house organ, house paint, house painter, house painting, house party, house physician, house servant, house sitter, house snake, house sparrow, house trailer, house wren, in the adjacent house, ivory nut, jesuits' nut, jook house, joss house, juke house, keep house, king nut, king nut hickory, kola nut, kola nut tree, lady of the house, lamp house, lazar house, litchi nut, lock nut, lodging house, lower house, macadamia nut, macadamia nut tree, mail order house, manor house, mansion house, meat house, meeting house, mexican nut pine, mocker nut, monkey nut, monmouth court house, movie house, neckar nut, nickar nut, nicker nut, nut, nut and bolt, nut bar, nut bread, nut butter, nut case, nut grass, nut pine, nut sedge, nut tree, oast house, oil nut, on the house, open house, opera house, packing house, packing nut, palm nut, par'a0 nut, para nut, parker house roll, penang nut, physic nut, pine nut, pinon nut, pistachio nut, planetary house, post house, prison house, public house, publishing house, pump house, quandong nut, queensland nut, ranch house, rest house, rooming house, row house, royal house, rush nut, safe house, safety nut, sawarra nut, semi-detached house, semidetached house, settlement house, sod house, solar house, souari nut, sporting house, square nut, stash house, station house, stuffing nut, summer house, tap house, tenement house, terraced house, third house, toll house cookie, town house, tract house, treasure house, tree house, u.s. house, u.s. house of representatives, united states house of representatives, upper house, us house, us house of representatives, vomic nut, wendy house, white house, wholesale house, wing nut, woman of the house