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Found 1 definition: occupier.

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Pos: Noun

Noun occupier has 2 senses

1.  occupier(n = noun.person) occupant, resident - someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there;
is a kind of denizen, dweller, habitant, indweller, inhabitant
has particulars: alexandrian, coaster, colonial, dalesman, housemate, inmate, metropolitan, outlier, owner-occupier, sojourner, stater, suburbanite, tenant, towner, townsman
Derived form verb occupy2

2.  occupier(n = noun.person) - a member of a military force who is residing in a conquered foreign country;
is a kind of
man, military man, military personnel, serviceman
Derived form verb occupy5


occupier, n.

1.  One who occupies, or has possession. [1913 Webster]

2.  One who follows an employment; hence, a tradesman. Holland. [1913 Webster]
"The occupiers of thy merchandise." [1913 Webster]


occupier, n. Brit. a person residing in a property as its owner or tenant.



N  possessor, holder, occupant, occupier, tenant, person in possession, man in possession, renter, lodger, lessee, underlessee, zemindar, ryot, tenant on sufferance, tenant at will, tenant from year to year, tenant for years, tenant for life, owner, proprietor, proprietress, proprietary, impropriator, master, mistress, lord, land holder, land owner, landlord, land lady, slumlord, lord of the manor, lord paramount, heritor, laird, vavasour, landed gentry, mesne lord, planter, cestui-que-trust, beneficiary, mortgagor, grantee, feoffee, releasee, relessee, devisee, legatee, legatary, trustee, holder of the legal estate, mortgagee, right owner, rightful owner, heir presumptive, heir apparent, heiress, inheritor, inheritress, inheritrix, reversioner, remainderman.


N  inhabitant, resident, residentiary, dweller, indweller, addressee, occupier, occupant, householder, lodger, inmate, tenant, incumbent, sojourner, locum tenens, commorant, settler, squatter, backwoodsman, colonist, islander, denizen, citizen, burgher, oppidan, cockney, cit, townsman, burgess, villager, cottager, cottier, cotter, compatriot, backsettler, boarder, hotel keeper, innkeeper, habitant, paying guest, planter, native, indigene, aborigines, autochthones, Englishman, John Bull, newcomer, aboriginal, American, Caledonian, Cambrian, Canadian, Canuck, downeaster, Scot, Scotchman, Hibernian, Irishman, Welshman, Uncle Sam, Yankee, Brother Jonathan, garrison, crew, population, people, colony, settlement, household, mir, indigenous, native, natal, autochthonal, autochthonous, British, English, American, Canadian, Irish, Scotch, Scottish, Welsh, domestic, domiciliated, domiciled, naturalized, vernacular, domesticated, domiciliary, in the occupation of, garrisoned by, occupied by.