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Found 1 definition: pond.

pond top

Pos: Noun

Noun pond has 1 senses

   pond(n = noun.object) pool - a small lake; "the pond was too small for sailing"
is a kind of lake
has particulars: fishpond, horsepond, mere, millpond, swimming hole, water hole


pond, n. [Probably originally, an inclosed body of water, and the same word as pound. See Pound an inclosure.].

   A body of water, naturally or artificially confined, and usually of less extent than a lake. Milton. [1913 Webster]

Pond hen (Zoöl.), the American coot. See Coot (a). -- Pond lily (Bot.), the water lily. See under Water, and Illust. under Nymphæa. -- Pond snail (Zoöl.), any gastropod living in fresh-water ponds or lakes. The most common kinds are air-breathing snails (Pulmonifera) belonging to Limnæa, Physa, Planorbis, and allied genera. The operculated species are pectinibranchs, belonging to Melantho, Valvata, and various other genera. -- Pond spice (Bot.), an American shrub (Tetranthera geniculata) of the Laurel family, with small oval leaves, and axillary clusters of little yellow flowers. The whole plant is spicy. It grows in ponds and swamps from Virginia to Florida. -- Pond tortoise, Pond turtle (Zoöl.), any freshwater tortoise of the family Emydidæ. Numerous species are found in North America.

pond, v. t.

   To make into a pond; to collect, as water, in a pond by damming. [1913 Webster]

pond, v. t. [See Ponder.].

   To ponder. [1913 Webster]
"Pleaseth you, pond your suppliant's plaint." [1913 Webster]


pond, n. & v.
1 a fairly small body of still water formed naturally or by hollowing or embanking.
2 joc. the sea.
1 tr. hold back, dam up (a stream etc.).
2 intr. form a pond.

pond-life animals (esp. invertebrates) that live in ponds.

ME var. of POUND(3)



N  store, stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry, spring, fount, fountain, well, wellspring, milch cow, stock in trade, supply, heap, treasure, reserve, corps de reserve, reserved fund, nest egg, savings, bonne bouche, crop, harvest, mow, vintage, store, accumulation, hoard, rick, stack, lumber, relay, storehouse, storeroom, storecloset, depository, depot, cache, repository, reservatory, repertory, repertorium, promptuary, warehouse, entrepot, magazine, buttery, larder, spence, garner, granary, cannery, safe-deposit vault, stillroom, thesaurus, bank, armory, arsenal, dock, gallery, museum, conservatory, menagery, menagerie, reservoir, cistern, aljibar, tank, pond, mill pond, gasometer, budget, quiver, bandolier, portfolio, coffer, conservation, storing, storage, keep, file (papers), lay in, preserve, Adj, stored, in store, in reserve, in ordinary, spare, supernumerary, adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit.


N  gulf, lake, land covered with water, gulf, gulph, bay, inlet, bight, estuary, arm of the sea, bayou, fiord, armlet, frith, firth, ostiary, mouth, lagune, lagoon, indraught, cove, creek, natural harbor, roads, strait, narrows, Euripus, sound, belt, gut, kyles, continental slope, continental shelf, lake, loch, lough, mere, tarn, plash, broad, pond, pool, lin, puddle, slab, well, artesian well, standing water, dead water, sheet of water, fish pond, mill pond, ditch, dike, dyke, dam, reservoir, alberca, barachois, hog wallow, lacustrine.


carolina pond fern, pond apple, pond bald cypress, pond cypress, pond lily, pond pine, pond scum, yellow pond lily