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Found 1 definition: potato moth.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun potato moth has 1 senses

   potato moth(n = noun.animal) phthorimaea operculella, potato tuber moth, splitworm - greyish-brown moth whose larva is the potato tuberworm;
is a kind of gelechiid, gelechiid moth


air potato, almond moth, angoumois grain moth, angoumois moth, antler moth, arctiid moth, atlas moth, baked potato, bee moth, bombycid moth, brazilian potato tree, brown-tail moth, cacao moth, carpet moth, casemaking clothes moth, cecropia moth, cinnabar moth, clothes moth, codlin moth, codling moth, colorado potato beetle, corn borer moth, couch potato, cynthia moth, death's-head moth, domestic silkworm moth, emperor moth, european corn borer moth, fig moth, gelechiid moth, geometrid moth, giant potato creeper, giant silkworm moth, gipsy moth, gold-tail moth, gracilariid moth, grain moth, gypsy moth, hawk moth, heliothis moth, hot potato, hummingbird moth, imperial moth, indian potato, io moth, irish potato, isabella moth, jacket potato, lappet moth, lasiocampid moth, little potato, luna moth, mashed potato, mediterranean flour moth, moth, moth bean, moth eaten, moth miller, moth mullein, moth orchid, moth plant, noctuid moth, owlet moth, pernyi moth, polyphemus moth, potato, potato bean, potato beetle, potato blight, potato bug, potato chip, potato disease, potato family, potato fern, potato fungus, potato mildew, potato mold, potato mosaic, potato murrain, potato nose, potato pancake, potato peel, potato peelings, potato race, potato salad, potato scab bacteria, potato skin, potato tree, potato tuber moth, potato tuberworm, potato vine, potato wart, potato wart fungus, potato worm, potato yellow dwarf, potato yellow-dwarf virus, pyralid moth, raisin moth, saturniid moth, silkworm moth, sphinx moth, sweet potato, sweet potato vine, tapestry moth, telingo potato, tent-caterpillar moth, tiger moth, tineid moth, tineoid moth, tobacco moth, tortricid moth, tussock moth, uruguay potato, uruguay potato vine, v moth, wax moth, webbing clothes moth, webbing moth, webworm moth, white potato, white potato vine, wild potato, wild potato vine, wild sweet potato vine, woolly bear moth, yellow dwarf of potato