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Found 1 definition: pouched mole.

pouched mole top

Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun pouched mole has 1 senses

   pouched mole(n = noun.animal) marsupial mole, notoryctus typhlops - small burrowing Australian marsupial that resembles a mole;
is a kind of marsupial, pouched mammal
is a member of genus notoryctus, notoryctus


american shrew mole, asiatic shrew mole, brewer's mole, damaraland mole rat, golden mole, hair-tailed mole, hydatid mole, hydatidiform mole, marsupial mole, mole, mole cricket, mole plant, mole rat, mole salamander, naked mole rat, pouched, pouched mammal, pouched mouse, pouched rat, queen mole rat, shrew mole, star-nosed mole, starnose mole, water mole