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Found 1 definition: prickle.

prickle top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)

Noun prickle has 1 senses

   prickle(n = noun.plant) pricker, spikelet, spine, sticker, thorn - a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf;
is a kind of aculeus
has particulars: glochid, glochidium
Derived form adjective prickly2

Verb prickle has 3 senses

1.  prickle(v = verb.perception) prick - cause a prickling sensation;
is one way to prick, sting, twinge
Derived form noun prickling1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody's (body part) ----s

2.  prickle(v = verb.perception) tingle - cause a stinging or tingling sensation;
is one way to itch
Derived form noun prickling1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody's (body part) ----s

3.  prickle(v = verb.contact) prick - make a small hole into, as with a needle or a thorn; "The nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample"
is one way to pierce
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something


prickle, n. [AS. pricele, pricle; akin to LG. prickel, D. prikkel. See Prick, n.].

1.  A little prick; a small, sharp point; a fine, sharp process or projection, as from the skin of an animal, the bark of a plant, etc.; a spine. Bacon. [1913 Webster]

2.  A kind of willow basket; -- a term still used in some branches of trade. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster]

3.  A sieve of filberts, -- about fifty pounds. [1913 Webster]

prickle, v. t.

   To prick slightly, as with prickles, or fine, sharp points. [1913 Webster]
"Felt a horror over me creep,
Prickle skin, and catch my breath.
" [1913 Webster]


prickle, n. & v.
1 a a small thorn. b Bot. a thornlike process developed from the epidermis of a plant.
2 a hard-pointed spine of a hedgehog etc.
3 a prickling sensation.
--v.tr. & intr. affect or be affected with a sensation as of pricking.

OE pricel PRICK: (v.) also dimin. of PRICK



N  sharpness, acuity, acumination, spinosity, point, spike, spine, spicule, spiculum, needle, hypodermic needle, tack, nail, pin, prick, prickle, spur, rowel, barb, spit, cusp, horn, antler, snag, tag thorn, bristle, Adam's needle, bear grass, tine, yucca, nib, tooth, tusk, spoke, cog, ratchet, crag, crest, arete, cone peak, sugar loaf, pike, aiguille, spire, pyramid, steeple, beard, chevaux de frise, porcupine, hedgehog, brier, bramble, thistle, comb, awn, beggar's lice, bur, burr, catchweed, cleavers, clivers, goose, grass, hairif, hariff, flax comb, hackle, hatchel, heckle, wedge, knife edge, cutting edge, blade, edge tool, cutlery, knife, penknife, whittle, razor, razor blade, safety razor, straight razor, electric razor, scalpel, bistoury, lancet, plowshare, coulter, colter, hatchet, ax, pickax, mattock, pick, adze, gill, billhook, cleaver, cutter, scythe, sickle, scissors, shears, pruning shears, cutters, wire cutters, nail clipper, paper cutter, sword, bodkin, belduque, bowie knife, paring knife, bushwhacker, drawing knife, drawing shave, microtome, chisel, screwdriver blade, flint blade, guillotine, sharpener, hone, strop, grindstone, whetstone, novaculite, steel, emery, sharp, keen, acute, acicular, aciform, aculeated, acuminated, pointed, tapering, conical, pyramidal, mucronate, mucronated, spindle shaped, needle shaped, spiked, spiky, ensiform, peaked, salient, cusped, cuspidate, cuspidated, cornute, cornuted, cornicultate, prickly, spiny, spinous, spicular, thorny, bristling, muricated, pectinated, studded, thistly, briary, craggy, snaggy, digitated, two-edged, fusiform, dentiform, denticulated, toothed, odontoid, starlike, stellated, stelliform, sagittate, sagittiform, arrowheaded, arrowy, barbed, spurred, acinaciform, apiculate, apiculated, aristate, awned, awny, bearded, calamiform, cone-shaped, coniform, crestate, echinate, gladiate, lanceolate, lanciform, awl, awl-shaped, lance-shaped, awl- shaped, scimitar-shaped, sword-shaped, setarious, spinuliferous, subulate, tetrahedral, xiphoid, cutting, sharp edged, knife edged, sharp as a razor, keen as a razor, sharp as a needle, sharp as a tack, sharpened, set.

Sensations of Touch

VB  itch, tingle, creep, thrill, sting, prick, prickle, tickle, titillate.


prickle cell