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Found 1 definition: prodigality.

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Noun prodigality has 2 senses

1.  prodigality(n = noun.attribute) extravagance, profligacy - the trait of spending extravagantly;
is a kind of improvidence, shortsightedness
Derived form adjective prodigal1

2.  prodigality(n = noun.act) extravagance, high life, highlife, lavishness - excessive spending;
is a kind of dissipation, waste, wastefulness
Derived form adjective prodigal1


prodigality, n. [F. prodigalité, L. prodigalitas. See Prodigal.].

   Extravagance in expenditure, particularly of money; excessive liberality; profusion; waste; -- opposed to frugality, economy, and parsimony. Dryden. [1913 Webster]



N  waste, consumption, expenditure, exhaustion, dispersion, ebb, leakage, loss, wear and tear, waste, prodigality, misuse, wasting, rubbish, mountain in labor, wasted, at a low ebb, wasteful, penny wise and pound foolish, magno conatu magnas nugas, le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle, idly busy rolls their world away.


N  prodigality, prodigence, unthriftiness, waste, profusion, profuseness, extravagance, squandering, malversation, prodigal, spendthrift, waste thrift, losel, squanderer, locust, high roller, prodigal, profuse, thriftless, unthrifty, improvident, wasteful, losel, extravagant, lavish, dissipated, overliberal, full-handed, penny wise and pound foolish, with an unsparing hand, money burning a hole in one's pocket, amor nummi, facile largiri de alieno, wie gewonnen so zerronnen, les fous font les festins et les sages les mangent, spendthrift alike of money and of wit, squandering wealth was his peculiar art.