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Found 1 definition: purple amaranth.

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Noun purple amaranth has 1 senses

   purple amaranth(n = noun.plant) amaranthus cruentus, amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys, amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus, gentleman's-cane, prince's-feather, prince's-plume, red amaranth - tall showy tropical American annual having hairy stems and long spikes of usually red flowers above leaves deeply flushed with purple; seeds often used as cereal;
is a kind of amaranth


amaranth, amaranth family, banded purple, early purple orchid, globe amaranth, late purple aster, order of the purple heart, purple, purple anise, purple apricot, purple avens, purple bacteria, purple beech, purple boneset, purple chinese houses, purple clematis, purple clover, purple cress, purple emperor, purple finch, purple fringeless orchid, purple fringeless orchis, purple gallinule, purple grackle, purple granadillo, purple ground cherry, purple heart, purple heather, purple loco, purple locoweed, purple loosestrife, purple martin, purple milk vetch, purple mullein, purple nightshade, purple onion, purple orchis, purple osier, purple passage, purple pea, purple poppy mallow, purple rock brake, purple sage, purple sanicle, purple saxifrage, purple silkweed, purple strawberry guava, purple trillium, purple velvet plant, purple virgin's bower, purple willow, red amaranth, red-spotted purple, reddish purple, retinal purple, royal purple, texas purple spike, thorny amaranth, tyrian purple, visual purple