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Found 1 definition: reaumur thermometer.

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Noun reaumur thermometer has 1 senses

   reaumur thermometer(n = noun.artifact) - an alcohol thermometer calibrated in degrees Reaumur;
is a kind of


air thermometer, alcohol thermometer, alcohol-in-glass thermometer, beckman thermometer, candy thermometer, centigrade thermometer, clinical thermometer, dry-bulb thermometer, electric thermometer, fahrenheit thermometer, gas thermometer, maximum and minimum thermometer, meat thermometer, mercury thermometer, mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer, mercury-in-glass thermometer, oven thermometer, platinum thermometer, reaumur, reaumur scale, rene antoine ferchault de reaumur, resistance thermometer, reversing thermometer, self-registering thermometer, thermoelectric thermometer, thermometer, upsetting thermometer, water thermometer, wet-bulb thermometer