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Found 1 definition: riddance.

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Pos: Noun

Noun riddance has 2 senses

1.  riddance(n = noun.act) elimination - the act of removing or getting rid of something;
is a kind of remotion, removal
has particulars: simplification
Derived form verb rid1

2.  riddance(n = noun.act) ejection, exclusion, expulsion - the act of forcing out someone or something; "the ejection of troublemakers by the police"; "the child's expulsion from school"
is a kind of banishment, proscription
has particulars: defenestration, deportation, ostracism, barring, blackball, ouster, ousting


riddance, n.

1.  The act of ridding or freeing; deliverance; a cleaning up or out. [1913 Webster]
"Thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field." [1913 Webster]

2.  The state of being rid or free; freedom; escape. Hooker. [1913 Webster]


riddance, n. the act of getting rid of something.

good riddance welcome relief from an unwanted person or thing.



N  deliverance, extrication, rescue, reprieve, reprieval, respite, liberation, emancipation, redemption, salvation, riddance, gaol delivery, redeemableness, saved, extricable, redeemable, rescuable, Int, to the rescue!.


N  loss, deperdition, perdition, forfeiture, lapse, privation, bereavement, deprivation, riddance, damage, squandering, waste, losing, not having, shorn of, deprived of, denuded, bereaved, bereft, minus, cut off, dispossessed, rid of, quit of, out of pocket, lost, long lost, irretrievable, off one's hands, Int, farewell to!, adieu to.


N  relinquishment, abandonment, desertion, defection, secession, withdrawal, cave of Adullam, nolle prosequi, discontinuance, renunciation, abrogation, resignation, desuetude, cession, unpursued, relinquished, relinquishing, Int, avast!, aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben, entbehre gern was du nicht hast, relinquishment, abandonment, renunciation, expropriation, dereliction, cession, surrender, dispensation, quitclaim deed, resignation, riddance, derelict, foundling, jetsam, waif, discards, culls, rejects, garbage, refuse, rubbish, relinquished, cast off, derelict, unowned, unappropriated, unculled, left, Int, away with!.