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Found 1 definition: rose mallow.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun rose mallow has 2 senses

1.  rose mallow(n = noun.plant) common rose mallow, hibiscus moscheutos, swamp mallow, swamp rose mallow - showy shrub of salt marshes of the eastern United States having large rose-colored flowers;
is a kind of hibiscus

2.  rose mallow(n = noun.plant) alcea rosea, althea rosea - plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers; the English cottage garden hollyhock;
is a kind of hollyhock
is a member of alcea, genus alcea


baby rose, banksia rose, bengal rose, bog rose, chaparral mallow, cherokee rose, china rose, christmas rose, cliff rose, clustered poppy mallow, coffee rose, common mallow, common rose mallow, confederate rose, confederate rose mallow, cotton rose, damask rose, desert rose, dog rose, false mallow, fringed poppy mallow, glade mallow, globe mallow, ground rose, guelder rose, gypsy rose lee, high mallow, indian mallow, japanese rose, lenten rose, mallow, mallow family, marsh mallow, memorial rose, mountain rose, multiflora rose, mus rose, musk mallow, musk rose, old rose, poppy mallow, prairie mallow, provence rose, purple poppy mallow, red false mallow, rock rose, rose, rose acacia, rose apple, rose bay, rose bed, rose beetle, rose bug, rose campion, rose chafer, rose chestnut, rose colored, rose family, rose garden, rose geranium, rose globe lily, rose gum, rose hip, rose leek, rose louise hovick, rose moss, rose of china, rose of jericho, rose of sharon, rose oil, rose periwinkle, rose pink, rose quartz, rose water, rose window, rose wine, rush rose, salt marsh mallow, seashore mallow, summer damask rose, sun rose, swamp mallow, swamp rose mallow, tall mallow, tea rose, tree mallow, virginia mallow, wax mallow, white mallow, william rose benet, wind rose, winter rose