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Found 1 definition: sabbatical.

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Pos: Adjective, Noun

Noun sabbatical has 1 senses

   sabbatical(n = noun.time) sabbatical leave - a leave usually taken every seventh year;
is a kind of leave, leave of absence
has particulars: sabbatical year

Adjective sabbatical has 2 senses

1.  sabbatical(a = adj.pert) sabbatic - of or relating to the Sabbath; "Friday is a sabbatical day for Muslims"
Derived form noun sabbath1

2.  sabbatical(a = adj.pert) - of or relating to sabbatical leave; "sabbatical research project"


sabbatical, a. [Gr. : cf. F. sabbatique.].

   Of or pertaining to the Sabbath; resembling the Sabbath; enjoying or bringing an intermission of labor. [1913 Webster]

Sabbatical year (Jewish Antiq.), every seventh year, in which the Israelites were commanded to suffer their fields and vineyards to rest, or lie without tillage.


sabbatical, adj. & n.
1 of or appropriate to the sabbath.
2 (of leave) granted at intervals to a university teacher for study or travel, orig. every seventh year.
--n. a period of sabbatical leave.

sabbatical year
1 Bibl. every seventh year, prescribed by the Mosaic law to be observed as a 'sabbath', during which the land was allowed to rest.
2 a year's sabbatical leave.

sabbatically adv.

LL sabbaticus f. Gk sabbatikos of the sabbath


sabbatical leave, sabbatical year