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Found 1 definition: scapular.

scapular top

Pos: Adjective, Noun

Noun scapular has 2 senses

1.  scapular(n = noun.animal) - a feather covering the shoulder of a bird;
is a kind of
feather, plumage, plume

2.  scapular(n = noun.artifact) scapulary - garment consisting of a long wide piece of woolen cloth worn over the shoulders with an opening for the head; part of a monastic habit;
is a kind of garment
is a part of monastic habit

Adjective scapular has 1 senses

   scapular(a = adj.pert) - relating to or near the shoulder blade;
Derived form noun


scapular, a. [Cf. F. scapulaire. Cf. Scapulary.].

   Of or pertaining to the scapula or the shoulder. [1913 Webster]

Scapular arch (Anat.), the pectoral arch. See under pectoral. -- Scapular region, or Scapular tract (Zoöl.), a definite longitudinal area over the shoulder and along each side of the back of a bird, from which the scapular feathers arise.

scapular, n.

   One of a special group of feathers which arise from each of the scapular regions and lie along the sides of the back. [1913 Webster]

scapular, n. [F. scapulaire, LL. scapularium, scapulare, fr. L. scapula shoulder blade.].

1.  A loose sleeveless vestment falling in front and behind, worn by certain religious orders and devout persons. Addis & Arnold. [1913 Webster]

2.  A bandage passing over the shoulder to support it, or to retain another bandage in place. [1913 Webster]


scapular, adj. & n.
--adj. of or relating to the shoulder or shoulder-blade.
1 a a monastic short cloak covering the shoulders. b a symbol of affiliation to an ecclesiastical order, consisting of two strips of cloth hanging down the breast and back and joined across the shoulders.
2 a bandage for or over the shoulders.
3 a scapular feather.

scapular feather a feather growing near the insertion of the wing.

(adj.) f. SCAPULA: (n.) f. LL scapulare (as SCAPULA)


circumflex scapular artery, dorsal scapular vein