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Found 1 definition: screaming.

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Noun screaming has 2 senses

1.  screaming(n = noun.communication) scream, screech, screeching, shriek, shrieking - sharp piercing cry; "her screaming attracted the neighbors"
is a kind of call, cry, outcry, shout, vociferation, yell
Derived form verb scream1

2.  screaming(n = noun.event) scream, screech, screeching, shriek, shrieking - a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry; "he ducked at the screechings of shells"; "he heard the scream of the brakes"
is a kind of noise
Derived form verb scream3

Adjective screaming has 3 senses

1.  screaming(s = adj.all) - so extremely intense as to evoke screams; "in screaming agony"; "a screaming rage"

2.  screaming(s = adj.all) - resembling a scream in effect; "screaming headlines"; "screaming colors and designs"

3.  screaming(s = adj.all) hilarious, uproarious - marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter; "hilarious broad comedy"; "a screaming farce"; "uproarious stories"


screaming, a.

1.  Uttering screams; shrieking. [1913 Webster]

2.  Having the nature of a scream; like a scream; shrill; sharp. [1913 Webster]
"The fearful matrons raise a screaming cry." [1913 Webster]



N  ridiculousness, comicality, oddity, extravagance, drollery, farce, comedy, burlesque, buffoonery, frippery, doggerel verses, absurdity, bombast, anticlimax, bathos, eccentricity, monstrosity, laughingstock, ridiculous, ludicrous, comical, droll, funny, laughable, pour rire, grotesque, farcical, odd, whimsical, whimsical as a dancing bear, fanciful, fantastic, queer, rum, quizzical, quaint, bizarre, screaming, eccentric, strange, outlandish, out of the way, baroque, weird, awkward, extravagant, outre, monstrous, preposterous, bombastic, inflated, stilted, burlesque, mock heroic, drollish, seriocomic, tragicomic, gimcrack, contemptible, doggerel, ironical, risible, risum teneatis amici, rideret Heraclitus, du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas.


screaming meemies