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Found 1 definition: second joint.

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Noun second joint has 1 senses

   second joint(n = noun.food) thigh - the upper joint of the leg of a fowl;
is a kind of helping, portion, serving
is a part of bird, fowl
has parts: dark meat


ankle joint, artificial joint, ball-and-socket joint, bits per second, butt joint, butting joint, clip joint, cotyloid joint, cubital joint, cycle per second, degenerative joint disease, dovetail joint, elbow joint, enarthrodial joint, fetlock joint, fibrous joint, fish joint, flexible joint, gigacycle per second, ginglymoid joint, gliding joint, gyp joint, hinge joint, hip joint, hooke's joint, interphalangeal joint, joint, joint author, joint chiefs, joint chiefs of staff, joint control, joint direct attack munition, joint effort, joint fir, joint hinge, joint operation, joint ownership, joint probability, joint resolution, joint return, joint snake, joint venture, jook joint, juke joint, kepler's second law, kilocycle per second, knee joint, knuckle joint, lap joint, leap second, light second, mandibular joint, megacycle per second, metacarpophalangeal joint, million floating point operations per second, million instructions per second, miter joint, mitre joint, mortise joint, mortise-and-tenon joint, newton's second law, newton's second law of motion, out of joint, parallax second, pivot joint, rabbet joint, radiocarpal joint, rib joint pliers, rotary joint, rotatory joint, scarf joint, second, second advent, second adventism, second adventist, second balcony, second banana, second base, second baseman, second battle of ypres, second best, second childhood, second class, second coming, second coming of christ, second council of constantinople, second council of lyons, second council of nicaea, second cousin, second cranial nerve, second crusade, second deck, second earl grey, second earl of chatham, second earl of guilford, second empire, second epistel of john, second epistle of paul the apostle to the corinthi, second epistle of paul the apostle to the thessalo, second epistle of paul the apostle to timothy, second epistle of peter, second epistle to the corinthians, second epistle to the thessalonians, second epistle to timothy, second estate, second fiddle, second gear, second growth, second half, second hand, second lateran council, second law of motion, second law of thermodynamics, second lieutenant, second marquis of rockingham, second moment, second mortgage, second nature, second period, second person, second power, second rate, second reading, second reich, second sacker, second sight, second stomach, second string, second thought, second thoughts, second to none, second trimester, second vatican council, second wind, second world war, shoulder joint, spheroid joint, split second, synovial joint, temporomandibular joint, toggle joint, tongue and groove joint, trillion floating point operations per second, united society of believers in christ's second app, universal joint, water joint, watt second, wrist joint