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Found 1 definition: secondary modern school.

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Noun secondary modern school has 1 senses

   secondary modern school(n = noun.group) - a former British secondary school emphasizing practical rather than academic education;
is a kind of
gymnasium, lycee, lyceum, middle school, secondary school


art school, ashcan school, barbison school, barbizon school, boarding school, business school, catholic school, charter school, choir school, church school, composite school, comprehensive school, correspondence school, dance school, dancing school, day school, dental school, direct-grant school, driving school, elementary school, engineering school, finishing school, flying school, grad school, grade school, graduate school, grammar school, high school, historical school, hudson river school, industrial school, infant school, intermediate school, junior high school, junior school, language school, law school, medical school, middle school, modern, modern ballet, modern dance, modern english, modern era, modern font, modern greek, modern hebrew, modern jazz, modern man, modern times, modern world, music school, night school, normal school, nursery school, nursing school, old school, old school tie, open classroom school, parochial school, prep school, preparatory school, primary school, private school, public school, reform school, religious school, riding school, sabbath school, school, school assignment, school bell, school board, school bus, school crossing, school day, school dictionary, school district, school newspaper, school of dentistry, school of law, school of medicine, school of music, school of nursing, school of thought, school paper, school phobia, school principal, school ship, school superintendent, school system, school teacher, school term, school text, school year, secondary, secondary amenorrhea, secondary cell, secondary censorship, secondary coil, secondary dentition, secondary diagonal, secondary dysmenorrhea, secondary education, secondary emission, secondary hypertension, secondary school, secondary sex character, secondary sex characteristic, secondary sexual characteristic, secondary storage, secondary syphilis, secondary winding, secretarial school, senior high school, special school, summer school, sunday school, sunday school class, technical school, trade school, training school, vested school, veterinary school, vocational school