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Found 1 definition: service book.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun service book has 1 senses

   service book(n = noun.communication) - a book setting forth the forms of church service;
is a kind of
religious text, religious writing, sacred text, sacred writing
has particulars: book of common prayer


account book, address book, advisory service, appointment book, armed service, attestation service, bank book, bell book, bill book, black book, block book, blue book, bond service, book, book agent, book bag, book binding, book collector, book fair, book jacket, book louse, book lover, book lung, book matches, book muslin, book of account, book of amos, book of baruch, book of common prayer, book of daniel, book of deuteronomy, book of ecclesiastes, book of esther, book of exodus, book of ezekiel, book of ezra, book of facts, book of genesis, book of habakkuk, book of haggai, book of hosea, book of instructions, book of isaiah, book of jeremiah, book of job, book of joel, book of jonah, book of joshua, book of judges, book of judith, book of knowledge, book of lamentations, book of leviticus, book of malachi, book of maps, book of micah, book of mormon, book of nahum, book of nehemiah, book of numbers, book of obadiah, book of proverbs, book of psalms, book of revelation, book of ruth, book of susanna, book of the prophet daniel, book of tobit, book of zachariah, book of zephaniah, book review, book scorpion, book seller, book token, book up, book value, bord service, bus service, cable television service, canadian security intelligence service, chapel service, child welfare service, church service, civil service, civil service commission, civil service reform, closed book, coffee-table book, coloring book, comic book, committal service, commonplace book, community service, consulting service, cookery book, curb service, customs service, day book, debt service, defense reutilization and marketing service, dinner service, diplomatic service, distinguished service cross, distinguished service medal, distinguished service order, divine service, domesday book, doomsday book, electronic information service, extension service, fake book, federal protective service, federal security service, financial management service, foreign intelligence service, foreign service, full service bank, gas service, good book, ill service, immigration and naturalization service, instruction book, intelligence service, internal revenue service, iraqi intelligence service, knight service, knight's service, length of service, lip service, mail service, military service, minute book, mug book, national park service, national service, national technical information service, national weather service, order book, paper-back book, paperback book, phone book, phone service, phrase book, picture book, pocket book, pop-up book, postal service, power service, prayer book, prayer service, public service, record book, reference book, religious service, robert william service, rule book, sapiential book, secret intelligence service, secret service, security service, selective service, selective service system, service, service abroad, service agency, service area, service break, service bureau, service call, service cap, service ceiling, service charge, service club, service contract, service cutback, service department, service door, service elevator, service entrance, service fee, service firm, service hat, service industry, service line, service man, service of process, service program, service road, service routine, service staff, service station, service stripe, service tree, service uniform, social service, soft-cover book, softback book, source book, special air service, statute book, table service, talking book, tea service, telephone book, telephone service, ticket book, trade book, united states fish and wildlife service, united states marshals service, united states postal inspection service, united states postal service, united states public health service, united states secret service, us fish and wildlife service, us marshals service, us postal inspection service, us postal service, us secret service, white book, wild service tree, wire service, wisdom book, yellow book