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Found 1 definition: sheep laurel.

sheep laurel top


Noun sheep laurel has 1 senses

   sheep laurel(n = noun.plant) kalmia angustifolia, lambkill, pig laurel - North American dwarf shrub resembling mountain laurel but having narrower leaves and small red flowers; poisonous to young stock;
is a kind of kalmia


alexandrian laurel, american laurel, arthur stanley jefferson laurel, barbary sheep, bay laurel, bighorn sheep, black sheep, bog laurel, california laurel, cherry laurel, dall sheep, dall's sheep, dog laurel, domestic sheep, equador laurel, laurel, laurel and hardy, laurel cherry, laurel family, laurel oak, laurel sumac, laurel willow, laurel wreath, maned sheep, marco polo sheep, marco polo's sheep, merino sheep, mountain laurel, mountain sheep, musk sheep, pig laurel, rocky mountain sheep, sassafras laurel, sheep, sheep bell, sheep botfly, sheep dip, sheep dog, sheep fescue, sheep frog, sheep gadfly, sheep ked, sheep pen, sheep plant, sheep polypore, sheep rot, sheep sorrel, sheep tick, shetland sheep dog, spurge laurel, stan laurel, swamp laurel, true laurel, vegetable sheep, white sheep, wild sheep, wood laurel