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Found 1 definition: shrew.

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Pos: Noun

Noun shrew has 2 senses

1.  shrew(n = noun.person) termagant - a scolding nagging bad-tempered woman;
is a kind of disagreeable woman, unpleasant woman
has particulars: virago, yenta

2.  shrew(n = noun.animal) shrewmouse - small mouselike mammal with a long snout; related to moles;
is a kind of insectivore
is a member of family soricidae, soricidae
has particulars: common shrew, sorex araneus, masked shrew, sorex cinereus, blarina brevicauda, short-tailed shrew, water shrew, cryptotis parva, least shrew


shrew, a. [OE. shrewe, schrewe. Cf. Shrewd.].

   Wicked; malicious. Chaucer. [1913 Webster]

shrew, n. [See Shrew, a.].

1.  Originally, a brawling, turbulent, vexatious person of either sex, but now restricted in use to females; a brawler; a scold. [1913 Webster]
"A man . . . grudgeth that shrews [i. e., bad men] have prosperity, or else that good men have adversity." [1913 Webster]
"A man had got a shrew to his wife, and there could be no quiet in the house for her." [1913 Webster]

2.  Any small insectivore of the genus Sorex and several allied genera of the family Sorecidæ. In form and color they resemble mice, but they have a longer and more pointed nose. Some of them are the smallest of all mammals. [1913 Webster]
" The common European species are the house shrew (Crocidura araneus), and the erd shrew (Sorex vulgaris) (see under Erd.). In the United States several species of Sorex and Blarina are common, as the broadnosed shrew (S. platyrhinus), Cooper's shrew (S. Cooperi), and the short-tailed, or mole, shrew (Blarina brevicauda). Th American water, or marsh, shrew (Neosorex palustris), with fringed feet, is less common. The common European water shrews are Crossopus fodiens, and the oared shrew (see under Oared)." [1913 Webster]

Earth shrew, any shrewlike burrowing animal of the family Centetidæ, as the tendrac. -- Elephant shrew, Jumping shrew, Mole shrew. See under Elephant, Jumping, etc. -- Musk shrew. See Desman. -- River shrew, an aquatic West African insectivore (Potamogale velox) resembling a weasel in form and size, but having a large flattened and crested tail adapted for rapid swimming. It feeds on fishes. -- Shrew mole, a common large North American mole (Scalops aquaticus). Its fine, soft fur is gray with iridescent purple tints.

shrew, v. t. [See Shrew, a., and cf. Beshrew.].

   To beshrew; to curse. Chaucer. [1913 Webster]


shrew, n.
1 any small usu. insect-eating mouselike mammal of the family Soricidae, with a long pointed snout.
2 a bad-tempered or scolding woman.

shrewish adj. (in sense 2). shrewishly adv. shrewishness n.

OE screawa, scr{aelig}wa shrew-mouse: cf. OHG scrawaz dwarf, MHG schrawaz etc. devil



N  irascibility, irascibleness, temper, crossness, susceptibility, procacity, petulance, irritability, tartness, acerbity, protervity, pugnacity, excitability, bad temper, fiery temper, crooked temper, irritable, temper, genus irritabile, hot blood, ill humor, asperity, churlishness, huff, a word and a blow, Sir Fretful Plagiary, brabbler, Tartar, shrew, vixen, virago, termagant, dragon, scold, Xantippe, porcupine, spitfire, fire eater, fury, irascible, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, irritable, susceptible, excitable, thin-skinned, fretful, fidgety, on the fret, hasty, overhasty, quick, warm, hot, testy, touchy, techy, tetchy, like touchwood, like tinder, huffy, pettish, petulant, waspish, snappish, peppery, fiery, passionate, choleric, shrewish, sudden and quick in quarrel, querulous, captious, moodish, quarrelsome, contentious, disputatious, pugnacious, cantankerous, exceptious, restiff, churlish, cross, cross as crabs, cross as two sticks, cross as a cat, cross as a dog, cross as the tongs, fractious, peevish, acari=atre, in a bad temper, sulky, angry, resentful, resentive, vindictive, Int, pish!, a vieux comptes nouvelles disputes, quamvis tegatur proditur vultu furor, vino tortus et ira.


N  detractor, reprover, censor, censurer, cynic, critic, caviler, carper, word-catcher, frondeur, barracker, defamer, backbiter, slanderer, Sir Benjamin Backbite, lampooner, satirist, traducer, libeler, calumniator, dawplucker, Thersites, Zoilus, good-natured friend, reviler, vituperator, castigator, shrew, muckraker, disapprover, laudator temporis acti, black-mouthed, abusive.


american shrew mole, american water shrew, asiatic shrew mole, common shrew, european water shrew, least shrew, masked shrew, mediterranean water shrew, otter shrew, pen-tailed tree shrew, short-tailed shrew, shrew mole, tree shrew, water shrew