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Found 1 definition: silky.

silky top

Pos: Adjective

Adjective silky has 1 senses

   silky(s = adj.all) satiny, silken, silklike, sleek, slick - having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light; "glossy auburn hair"; "satiny gardenia petals"; "sleek black fur"; "silken eyelashes"; "silky skin"; "a silklike fabric"; "slick seals and otters"
Derived forms noun silk1, noun silkiness1


silky, a.

1.  Of or pertaining to silk; made of, or resembling, silk; silken; silklike; as, a silky luster. [1913 Webster]

2.  Hence, soft and smooth; as, silky wine. [1913 Webster]

3.  Covered with soft hairs pressed close to the surface, as a leaf; sericeous. [1913 Webster]

Silky oak (Bot.), a lofty Australian tree (Grevillea robusta) with silky tomentose lobed or incised leaves. It furnishes a valuable timber.


silky, adj. (silkier, silkiest)
1 like silk in smoothness, softness, fineness, or lustre.
2 (of a person's manner etc.) suave, insinuating.

silkily adv. silkiness n.



N  smoothness, polish, gloss, lubricity, lubrication, down, velvet, velure, silk, satin, velveteen, velour, velours, velumen, glass, ice, slide, bowling green, asphalt, wood pavement, flagstone, flags, roller, steam roller, lawn roller, rolling pin, rolling mill, sand paper, emery paper, emery cloth, sander, flat iron, sad iron, burnisher, turpentine and beeswax, polish, shoe polish, lapidary, lapidary, lapidarian, smooth, polished, leiodermatous, slick, velutinous, even, level, plane, sleek, glossy, silken, silky, lanate, downy, velvety, glabrous, slippery, glassy, lubricous, oily, soft, unwrinkled, smooth as glass, smooth as ice, smooth as monumental alabaster, smooth as velvet, smooth as oil, slippery as an eel, woolly, smooth as silk, slippery as coonshit on a pump handle, slippery as a greased pig.


N  texture, structure (form), organization, anatomy, frame, mold, fabric, construction, framework, carcass, architecture, stratification, cleavage, substance, stuff, compages, parenchyma, constitution, staple, organism, organography, osteology, myology, splanchnology, neurology, angiography, adeology, angiography, adenography, texture, surface texture, intertexture, contexture, tissue, grain, web, surface, warp and woof, warp and weft, tooth, nap, flatness (smoothness), fineness of grain, coarseness of grain, dry goods, silk, satin, muslin, burlap, histology, structural, organic, anatomic, anatomical, textural, textile, fine grained, coarse grained, fine, delicate, subtile, gossamery, filmy, silky, satiny, coarse, homespun, rough, gritty, smooth, smooth as silk, smooth as satin.


red-flowered silky oak, silky anteater, silky cornel, silky dogwood, silky elm, silky oak, silky pocket mouse, silky tamarin, silky terrier, silky willow, silky wisteria, sydney silky